October 31, 2005

on his birthday with courvoisier


Them, originally uploaded by shivasnaps.

October 28, 2005


25, originally uploaded by shivasnaps.

sitting everywhere...

sitting everywhere..., originally uploaded by shivasnaps.

busy looking for food

busy looking for food, originally uploaded by shivasnaps.

October 24, 2005


pink, originally uploaded by shivasnaps.

family of three

family of three, originally uploaded by shivasnaps.


*BONGO*, originally uploaded by shivasnaps.

October 22, 2005

birds,dock and potomac river

birds,dock and potomac river, originally uploaded by shivasnaps.

October 20, 2005

candle surrounded by colory glasses

October 19, 2005

Power and Escape

Power and Escape, originally uploaded by shivasnaps.

"every man has the POWER to choose, but no POWER to ESCAPE the necessity of choice".

October 16, 2005

in the memory of summer color

in the memory of summer color, originally uploaded by shivasnaps.

October 08, 2005

let the sunlight in

let the sunlight in, originally uploaded by shivasnaps.

October 06, 2005

who wants to put some on???

who wants to put some on???, originally uploaded by shivasnaps.


C$2, originally uploaded by shivasnaps.

October 04, 2005

capital building

capital, originally uploaded by shivasnaps.

Washington D.C

October 02, 2005

a little bit of sun burns the whole sky